The time has come. The time to replace the magazine drive gear (P/N 43313) in my good ol 442. The gear presently on the machine - it has two tracks for the odd/even alternating dog (the football) to switch back and forth between - part of that "wall" separating the two tracks somehow got bent up right at the "crossover" and the dog just stops cold right there and eventually the mech fuse blows. That's just background though.
I have a replacement 43313 in my little hands. I'm pleased to have it. I look at this does not look fun. Am I gonna have to take out the whole mechanism? Sure looks like it. There definitely isn't enough room in the cabinet to slide the magazine off of the main shaft.
I don't mind taking out the whole mechanism, I'm not intimidated by the prospect (well maybe a bit), but it's hard to picture the process in my mind. Am I gonna need some kind of hoist? I actually have an engine lift that I use for plucking V-8's, but that seems silly..
No way I'm even starting this project without asking those who have done it before, so I'm throwing it out there!
What do you guys do? What should I do? What SHOULDNT I do?
Any advice/info would be greatly appreciated. I'm a careful and experienced mechanic and workman, but let's face it, in this case...I don't have a clue! Fire away!
Well you either had old dried grease in the tracks or none at all. The cam follower or football as you described will usually jam when switching tracks and bend or break the casting. Get the mech out and up on a bench / table where it’s easier to work on. It’s not a five minute job by no means.
On Thu, Jun 27, 2024 at 4:43 PM Ug Lee via Jukebox-list <> wrote:
Hi Eli,
You will need to remove the complete mechanism however it is not as daunting as you think.
Open the lower door and disconnect the speaker plug, light power and the chain, and remove the door.
Remove the stylus and turntable.
Unscrew the 4 transit bolts if they are still present.
Disconnect all the cables to the mechanism and lift the mechanism up a couple of inches and then pull it out. You can do this yourself, 2 people aren't required, but if you have another pair of hands, use them.
You will probably find that you accidentally have not disconnected all of the cables, so take it slowly and when you feel tension, check and unplug any you have forgotten (including the thin cartridge cable to the amp).
It really is easier than you think, and will give you the chance to clean the inside floor of the jukebox before reassembling it.
You can then remove part of the left hand side of the frame and release the magazine. The diamond shaped metal thing that toggles between a and b sides may be seized and that gives problems, and you may need to free it off.
It is not a tricky job on the Rock Olas and the plugs and sockets are robust too.all cables are easy to identify and their lengths will make it easy for you to plug them back in afterwards,
Nigel, uk