While the subject of AMI F's is on people's mind, I'll bring a question about mine up:
My F120 is free-played (credit counter always says there's some), has and it has become a bit persnickety about whether the selection buttons will register. Seems to be different depending upon the selection. Sometimes it takes a lot of selection button presses to get the finger to shift, sometimes only once.
The selenium rectifier has already been replaced with a silicon diode, so I'm pretty sure my voltage is good.
Is there anything that can be done to lengthen the time that the pulse is applied to the coil that pulls on the selection finger?
--> Steve
On Wednesday, February 19, 2025 at 02:37:10 PM PST, Steve Wahl via Jukebox-list jukebox-list@lists.netlojix.com wrote: >
Is there anything that can be done to lengthen the time that the pulse is applied to the coil that pulls on the selection finger?
Are you certain that the pulse is getting to the selection finger magnets?
Have the finger assemblies ever been cleaned? If not, I'd remove them
as a unit and soak them in solvent (like paint thinner or kerosene) and blow
them out with compressed air. Then replace them, and do not lubricate them!
They should move freely on their shafts.