Hell all, can anyone help me with this problem please. When a even selection of a record is made the gripper arm returns the record to the proper slot it was selected from. However, when an odd selection is made and played, the gripper returns the record into the next slot on the record rack. This does not happen every time but 85% of the time it will when an odd selection is made. Any thoughts on this please. I'm going a bit crazy with it. Thank you for your help.
On Tuesday, November 28, 2023 at 07:34:22 AM PST, Jamie McElroy via Jukebox-list jukebox-list@lists.netlojix.com wrote:
When the odd numbered selection is removed from the rack, does it dragalong the record rack divider? My memory of the component name isfailing me, but if the lever switch on the carriage, when it strikes the selectionlever for an odd numbered record, is in the wrong position it will stop thecarriage too early or too late to put the carriage in the right position toremove and replace the record. The only other thing that would cause itto be returned to the wrong rack position would be if the carriage movedbetween the time the record is removed and replaced, and since you didn'tmention that happening (and I can't envision a condition that would causethat) I'm assuming it's an alignment issue.
Double check that there is no slack in the chain when traveling in that direction. When the mech stops to pick a record, see if you can move it back and forth . It should stay still. If that checks ok, most likely your mech is stopping slightly too late so the gripper is not perfectly aligned with the center of the record slot. You need to adjust the fixed blade of the odd side carriage stop switch so that the contacts close sooner. Bend the center stiffening blade towards the movable blade so that the gap between contacts is smaller. The manual gives clear instructions with pictures for this adjustment. Good luck, Jim On Tuesday, November 28, 2023 at 10:39:45 AM EST, Jamie McElroy via Jukebox-list jukebox-list@lists.netlojix.com wrote:
Hell all, can anyone help me with this problem please. When a even selection of a record is made the gripper arm returns the record to the proper slot it was selected from. However, when an odd selection is made and played, the gripper returns the record into the next slot on the record rack. This does not happen every time but 85% of the time it will when an odd selection is made. Any thoughts on this please. I'm going a bit crazy with it. Thank you for your help.
Jamie _______________________________________________ Jukebox-list mailing list -- jukebox-list@lists.netlojix.com To unsubscribe send an email to jukebox-list-leave@lists.netlojix.com %(web_page_url)slistinfo%(cgiext)s/%(_internal_name)s Searchable Archives: http://jukebox.markmail.org/