Hi, Joey - I put them up here: http://tildebang.com/jukebox/ Scroll down to the bottom. I did a little searching and found a Linkedin page for Aaron, but there's been no reply to the message I send him last week. It would be truly sad if he's really no longer with us.
David Breneman david_breneman@yahoo.com
On Wednesday, February 12, 2025 at 03:56:49 PM PST, joeymcd via Jukebox-list jukebox-list@lists.netlojix.com wrote:
I would be interested in those emails if you are offering to share.
thanks. Joey McDonald
-----Original Message----- From: Ernest jukebox-list@lists.netlojix.com To: js--- via Jukebox-list jukebox-list@lists.netlojix.com Cc: Ernest cushman5@bellsouth.net Date: Saturday, 8 February 2025 12:51 PM CST Subject: [Jukebox-list] Re: AMI F - Heverin
Aaron Heverin helped me a lot in the restoration of AMI's F and G's. He shared with me his methods of restoring the cabinet, original colors, applying the speckles, refurbishing the F's top horn grill, also the restoration of the AMI G horn screen and many little tricks like how to make a repro leather door strap, all the original reproduced paper for the cabinet and more. Best of all he showed me how to replace the old original cartridge with a new 2 oz. stylus that makes these F and G sound the best of any jukebox I ever heard. It's amazing how good they sound when done right. It is a labor of love job but when loaded with nice record and played most everyone wants to dance. Mine would sound good even in a decent size gymnasium. One thing in common with Aaron was our love of Ham Radio. He was happy and was always in search of radio gear. Also, the last time I had any contact with him was March of 2019 and he told me he had gotten a regular job, and was slowing down on his restoration work. I saved a lot of his emails about how to attack various restoration issues that I could share with someone if they needed it to help them on their restoration. Michael Gabbard cushman5@bellsouth.net On Saturday, February 8, 2025 at 01:15:49 PM EST, js--- via Jukebox-list jukebox-list@lists.netlojix.com wrote:
Date: Thu, 6 Feb 2025 14:47:09 -0500 (EST) From: joeymcdjoeymcd@mymts.net Subject: [Jukebox-list] Re: AMI F To: David Breneman via Jukebox-listjukebox-list@lists.netlojix.com Message-ID: 1418653368.91161465.1738871229294.JavaMail.zimbra@mymts.net Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Any know what happened to Aaron Heverin? I used to be in touch with him. I tried a couple emails I had for him but no responses. He had great knowledge on the AMI F and G models.
Joey McDonald
Aaron helped me many times on my Ami C and F projects, then I lost touch with him.
Steve Wahl had last been in touch with him in 2018, at this email address:aaronhev@gmail.com
I didn't get any replies from there.
Not wanting to start any rumors, but I have a bad feeling about Covid in this case.
I plan to write him a letter at: 273 Homestead Dr, North Tonawanda NY 14120
-John Singleton
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