On Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 11:32:53 AM PDT, Nigel Pugh via Jukebox-list jukebox-list@lists.netlojix.com wrote:
I'm assuming that the low output had an impact on the performance of the power amp as a whole, > and the result was a woolly sound a bit like a worn out stylus. I've googled about, as I'm curious, > but not a lot of accurate info, and mostly guitar amp related. Is this a common phonomenon when a rectifier tube has low output ? I'm just curious..
Low output or gassy, a bad 5U4 will definitely make the amp sound more or less awful.
I also saw solid state replacements but then read that the voltage drop is much less, so amp > mods would be needed, and the warm up of tubes would mean the output DC would be initially > high, and not suitable for some amps.
What would be the reason for using a kludgey solid state replacement? Almost every electronicdevice with tubes uses a 5U4 rectifier. They will continue to be available maybe forever.