On 8/3/23 12:53, M De Simone via Jukebox-list wrote:
For 6L6 outputs I use the Hammond 1645 transformer with excellent results! Usually sounds better than original. I think it was Jay Hennigan who originally suggested it to me years ago.
Indeed the 1645 (now 1645A) is a pretty good universal 6L6 jukebox output transformer. Without a 1448 amp in front of me it's hard to say if the physical mounting is going to be suitable. This is often the main issue in finding a suitable replacement transformer, especially for those that mount in a rectangular hole through the chassis.
Electrically it looks like a good match. Note that neither the original design nor the 1645 have screen taps. CV output of 500Ω vs. 70V is a bit off, but that's rarely used. the original 500Ω is closer to a 25V line at that power level. This is a non-issue unless you're using external CV speakers.
There's a company in Italy that is now making direct replacement transformers for a number of jukebox amplifiers but the Rockola 1448 doesn't seem to be among them and I don't immediately see anything similar. I've used their SHFA1 output transformers. They drop right in and work well.