On Tuesday, November 28, 2023 at 10:52:11 AM PST, Jamie McElroy via Jukebox-list jukebox-list@lists.netlojix.com wrote:
Hi Dave...Are you referring to the levers on the mechanism itself that are out of alignment? If so how do you correct this? Would those levers have anything to do with the gripper position when it returns a record? This is driving me crazy trying to figure out. Thanks for your reply
I've looked all over for a manual for this type mechanism and I can't find it,so forgive the colloquial description. I'm talking about the levers that hangunder the carriage, which strike the selection levers on the base. One forthe even levers, one for the odd ones. If the mechanism is in perfect alignment, such that the gripper is centered over the record in the rack whenplaying the even numbers, you need to check if it is also centered whenplaying the odd numbers. My bet is that it is not stopping in the centeredposition when playing odd numbers. The gripper can still pick up therecord, but the record will catch the rack divider on the way back into therack and will therefore peel off into the wrong slot. This would indicate that the hanging lever for the odd selections is out of adjustment left-to-right,and is causing the carriage to stop in a non-centered position. You might haveto remove the gripper motor and move the gripper manually (slowly) toget a clear picture of whether it's centered or not. If the hanging trip lever is out of adjustment, I believe there is a adjustmentscrew you can turn with an Allen wrench to adjust its trip point in and out.Hope this is more helpful than confusing. Can't find the damn manual. :-)