If anyone has an Antique Apparatus CD-Rowe bubbler model, could you
check the wiring at the 15 pin plug to the front door? I need to know
what color wires are on pins 13, 14, and 15 on each end of the plug.
Two or three wires appear switched, the colors (Yellow, and Yellow with
black strip, and yellow with a brown stripe and two of them don't match
up with the other end of the plug. The customer swears that the tubes
used to bubble and the little #73 lights worked at one time. All I can
get to work is the bubbles 24 vac but no 12 vac to the lights. I don't
think they ever made a manual that would cover the wiring. None that I
can find anyway.
Another problem is that it is missing the one color cylinder. The
customer evidently replaced a broken bubble tube but not the stained
plastics. He moved twice since then most likely loosing the color
cylinder in one of the moves. I think I can make one but it would be
nice to buy one! As for the plastics, Victory Glass is out of what I
need, does anyone else carry front plastics?
Tony Miklos
Tony's Jukebox Repair