Goleta DeskTop Publishing Users Group Meeting <<<
7pm Thursday November 7, 2002 Goleta Public Library 500 N. Fairview Ave Goleta, CA
Selecting a Digital Camera <<<
There are strategies you can use to help choose a digital camera that suits your needs. Reviews are helpful, but you have to realise the reviewer may have different interests or needs than you. This can range from intended use of the camera to just how it feels in your hands -- if your hands are much different in size or flexi- bility than the reviewer's those controls that the reviewer praised or panned because of their perfect or awkward locations may suit you much differently.
We'll be talking about various features and their consequences, as well as how to make the most out of time spent at the store playing with the likely candidates.
Take a look at http://www.troutcom.com/gdtpug/gdttopic0211.html for more information.
******************************************************************* Parking is available at the church next door to the library. Please park there because the library lot is often full on Thursday night. *******************************************************************
Remember, the meetings are free and open to the public. Please bring a friend.
Visit our web site at <a href="http://www.troutcom.com/gdtpug"> http://www.troutcom.com/gdtpug </a> for future meeting dates and other information.
Please send email to gdtpug@troutcom.com with suggestions for topics you are interested in seeing covered. Or even better, volunteer to give a presentation!
The Goleta DeskTop Publishing Users Group is a SIG (Special Interest Group) of the Santa Barbara PC Users Group. We are not platform specific: some members have PCs, some have Macs, some have both. Linux and other systems are sprinkled in as well for good measure. We focus on the issues of publishing in all forms, be it on paper, web, CD-ROM, or some other medium.