To: All Hams in the Santa Barbara ARRL Section
From: Pete Heins, N6ZE/K1FJM
Subject: 2016 ARRL 10 Meter Contest Wrap-up Data Requested
Santa Barbara Section Manager, Jim Fortney, K6IYK, has requested that I write a short summary of SBA Section Members' participation in the recent ARRL 10 Meter Contest.
I request as much data as possible from SBA Section Members who participated in the Contest:
1. Name & Callsign
2. Location
3. Hours of operating
4. Numbers of QSOs; listing of States, & countries worked
6. Rig
7. Member of which Amateur Radio Club(s), if any
8. Ever operated in the ARRL 10 Meter Contest in the past
9. Class License & Number of Years Licensed.
PLEASE SEND YOUR DATA TO: K1FJM(a)aol.com or N6ZE(a)aol.com
AND SUBMIT YOUR ENTRY/SCORES TO: http://www.arrl.org/10-meter
and: http://www.3830scores.com/scoreform.php?arg=wqC4R7NRoMDkm%2BPTsX79Av29Xr%2F…
Thank you.
bt73 Pete Heins, N6ZE/K1FJM