In browsing around the ARRL Web site, I ran across the Contest Rate Sheet. The description on their site reads:
"The ARRL Contest Rate Sheet offers a useful source of timely information for both the active and casual contester. The Rate Sheet includes information about events during the following two-week period, time-sensitive news items, upcoming deadlines, and other news of interest to contesters."
"ARRL members first must register on the Members Only Web Site, You'll have an opportunity during registration to sign up for e-mail delivery of the ARRL Contest Rate Sheet, W1AW bulletins, and other material.
ARRL members may subscribe to the ARRL Contest Rate Sheet by going to the Member Data Page at:"
It is offered free to ARRL members and is distributed by email 26 times a year. If you are not an ARRL member, send me an email and I can get you an ARRL membership packet. Or see me at the next club meeting :)!
Marvin, KE6HTS