I put an update of the repeater list on Google Docs (public edit) at,
Stephen W6STP
Stephen Travis Pope Santa Barbara, California, USA http://HeavenEverywhere.com http://heaveneverywhere.com/ http://FASTLabInc.com http://fastlabinc.com/ https://vimeo.com/user19434036/videos https://vimeo.com/user19434036/videos http://heaveneverywhere.com/Reflections
On Jan 18, 2016, at 6:26 PM, Andrew Alker andrew@sbelectronics.net wrote:
Hello Stephen,
I'm a bit late to the party, but here's a good resource for you:
http://www.radioreference.com/apps/db/?ctid=224 http://www.radioreference.com/apps/db/?ctid=224
Also, I would suggest keeping this in a public google doc or dropbox share for four reasons:
- Others can edit and contribute directly
- The list can be kept up to date without having to redistribute for every change
- Version history
- You can pass around a link instead of an attachment on the mailing list. As Ken stated previously, you want to avoid sending everyone on the list attachments if possible. In this case they are small files, so it isn't a (literally) big deal, but it is a good habit to be in.
Andrew Alker, KG6END andrew@sbelectronics.net mailto:andrew@sbelectronics.net Santa Barbara Electronics Supply Store: 805.681.2524 On 1/18/2016 6:19 PM, Stephen Travis Pope wrote:
Thanks for all the input, here's a merged list of about 100 memories, including local repeaters and fire/PDs for the surrounding counties, plus FRS/GMRS/MURS frequencies (you could substitute marine channels for these).
There are loads more repeaters listed in the repeater book app; can someone suggest which if any I should add?
Should this file be a link on the SBARC site?
I put it online at,
http://HeavenEverywhere.com/stp/SB-local.csv http://heaveneverywhere.com/stp/SB-local.csv
Stephen W6STP
Stephen Travis Pope Santa Barbara, California, USA http://HeavenEverywhere.com <http://heaveneverywhere.com/> <http://heaveneverywhere.com/> <http://heaveneverywhere.com/> http://FASTLabInc.com <http://fastlabinc.com/> <http://fastlabinc.com/> <http://fastlabinc.com/> https://vimeo.com/user19434036/videos <https://vimeo.com/user19434036/videos> <https://vimeo.com/user19434036/videos> <https://vimeo.com/user19434036/videos> http://heaveneverywhere.com/Reflections <http://heaveneverywhere.com/Reflections>
On Jan 18, 2016, at 2:52 PM, Wayne Beckman waynebee@cox.net mailto:waynebee@cox.net wrote:
I annotated the frequencies I know about on your list.
SBARC-list mailing list SBARC-list@lists.netlojix.com mailto:SBARC-list@lists.netlojix.com http://lists.netlojix.com/mailman/listinfo/sbarc-list http://lists.netlojix.com/mailman/listinfo/sbarc-list