Hi everyone,
Bob Simmons, WB6EYV, has just finished a pretty cool frequency agile 2M APRS transmitter. I got one and it is pretty effortless to use ... connect it to an antenna, connect a GPS to the serial port (NOT USB), and apply power. I took a couple down to the TRW swapmeet and a number of people were rather interested.
I have three of them I got from Bob that I can sell for $170.00 (I know, $169.00 on the website, but I'm rounding it off.) They would have been sold at TRW, but I made an error programming the unit, and couldn't get back to Bob to find out what I did wrong. If you want one, give me a call at 805-687-8881 or just send an email to me ... Bob doesn't have any more right now :).
Note that a serial port on a computer or terminal set to 4800 baud, 8,N,1,No Handshaking is required to program the unit.
You can find out more on his website at:
MicroBeacon TX APRS Beacon Transmitter http://www.silcom.com/~pelican2/PicoDopp/XDOPP.htm#MBCN
Disclaimer - I make nothing from this, and am just doing it to help Bob promote a really nice product.
Marvin, KE6HTS