--------- Forwarded message ---------- From: W6YN Don Milbury w6yn@juno.com
Hi all:
The following information will be placed in the CCCDXC September Newsletter. Please pass this information on to the Newsletter Editors of the non-DX Clubs you belong to; PRARC, Estero Bay, Lompoc, SARC, SBARC; etc. Thank you.
Subject: FW: W6 Bureau Manager Change Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2000 11:33:00 -0700 From: "Fried Heyn(ARRL SW Director)" lucky@surfpage.com
We have a new 6th District QSL Manager, Steve Frick (N6QEK). This is an advance notice being sent to all of you above to get the word out in your clubs (SDDXC, SCDXC, & CCCDXC). PLEASE ask folks to welcome Steve and thank Archie for his many years of service. BTW, Steve will be at the DX Bash Sunday at W6YA's home. Hope to CU there! 73/Fried(@___@)ARRL=future
-----Original Message----- From: Cook, Martin, N1FOC [mailto:mcook@arrl.org] Sent: Tuesday, August 15, 2000 5:50 AM
Subject: W6 Bureau Manager Change
After almost 27 years as Manager of the W6 Incoming QSL Bureau Archie Willis W6LPJ has decided to retire. Archie's dedication to the ARRL & Amateurs in the 6th call area is an example to us all.
As many of you know Archie's wife & QSL Bureau Assistant Rosemary KF6EKP passed away earlier this year, Archie says that her death has left such a big blank that he feels he must step aside & let someone else take over, he is looking forward to having more time for himself.
Please drop Archie a note & wish him well in his retirement, his email address is: w6lpj@earthlink.net mailto:w6lpj@earthlink.net
Directors Heyn & Maxwell have approved a replacement for Archie. Over the next few weeks Archie will be getting together with New Bureau Manager Steve Frick N6QEK, n6qek@arrl.net mailto:n6qek@arrl.net Tel: 619-582-5598 (confidential of course) to arrange the transfer etc. The W6 Incoming QSL Bureau will be moving from it's present location in Sun Valley CA to San Diego, It's new address will be:
ARRL W6 Incoming QSL Bureau P.O. Box 900069 San Diego, CA, 92190-0069
Please join me in welcoming Steve in his new & challenging position, I am sure that he will welcome any offers of help from you.
73, Martin Cook N1FOC ARRL QSL Service Manager
Amateur Radio: If you're not having fun, you are not doing it right!
ARRL, Santa Barbara Section
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