Hi All,
Say, Dave Croteau, KM6JQ, called me last night. He called because he had previously read my article in a earlier edition of KK. The article he mentioned was the one that deal with re-newing one's Amateur Radio license etc.
He is fine and working in Idaho for Honeywell.
That is about all I know on the subject at this point.
-- ---
73 de 'Jug' - - - WA6MBZ
Michael P. Jogoleff, 1324 Panchita Place, Santa Barbara, CA 93103-2223
Tels: 805-560-0605 voice, 805-560-0625 fax.
Email: mike-j@ix.netcom.com, wa6mbz@ix.netcom.com, wa6mbz@sbarc.org, wa6mbz@arrl.net, wa6mbz@qsl.net, wa6mbz@hfradio.org, mike.j@worldnet.att.net, wa6mbz@worldnet.att.net, and m.jogoleff@worldnet.att.net, wa6mbz@compuserve.com, 103225.3614@compuserve.com, wa6mbz@netzero.net, wa6mbz@juno.com, mike_j@juno.com, wa6mbz@yahoo.com, wa6mbz@excite.com, wa6mbz@angelfire.com, wa6mbz@hotmail.com.
Many many thanks !!!! !! .end (2001-08-11)