SBARC ARDF Hunt Saturday, August 12, 2000
The Santa Barbara Amateur Radio Club will be sponsoring another Southern California On-Foot foxhunt in conjunction with the SBARC Hamfest and Communications Fair. This free informal event will be held on Saturday, August 12, 2000 at Lake Los Carnaros Park in Goleta, CA. Bring your two-meter hand-held or scanner plus a portable beam and attenuator if you have them. A limited amount of RDF gear will be available for loan.. Training is available starting at 9:30am and is highly recommended for those people not familiar with this type of direction finding. A hamburger BBQ will follow.
Location - This event will take place at Lake Los Carnaros and will start at the Stow House Parking Lot just off of Los Carnaros Road. From US 101, take the Los Carnaros exit and head north about 1/4 mile and turn right into the parking lot.There should be plenty of free parking.
Transmitters - There will be five transmitters, each transmitting on 146.565 MHz in round robin style for 1 minute each. Each transmitter will be identified by an Orange/White Orienteering control flag. There may also be an 80M practice transmitter.
Course - Maps of the area will be available at a scale of 2500:1. The course itself will be between 2 miles and 3 miles and can easily be completed by walking in well under the 2 hour time limit. Transmitters will be at least 200 yards from each other.
Classes - Beginner and Advanced. Teams will be allowed with the condition that only one DF unit be used per team and the people on the team stay together.
Schedule of Events
9:30 am - 10:00 am - Training 10:00 am - Registration Opens 10:30 am - Competition Starts 1:00 pm - Hamburger BBQ, $3.00 per person Reservations requested for BBQ
For more information, contact Marvin Johnston, KE6HTS, at 805-687-8881 or Information can also be found on the SBARC web page at and on the Homingin web page at
Talk-in will be on the K6TZ repeater, 146.19/79 pl. 131.8.