Hi all,
I will be attending this event and if anyone needs a ride, let me know as I have plenty of room. I will be leaving Santa Barbara about 9:30AM. Depending on what is going on, I try to have dinner with Joe and April Moell after these events which should put us back in Santa Barbara about 8PM or so depending on traffic.
The next southern California on-foot radio direction finding practice/demonstration will be Sunday, May 20 at Tri-City Park in Placentia. It is sponsored by the Fullerton Radio Club and is part of the club's annual "Antennas In The Park" event, held in conjunction with Western Amateur Radio Association. All ages are welcome.
An optional barbecue and potluck precedes the hunt. If you wish to participate in the barbecue, bring your own meat and a side dish or dessert to share. Hot grills will be available beginning at 12 noon. Transmitter hunts will follow the potluck at about 1:30 PM. Plan to arrive about 1:15 if you are coming only for the hunt.
Experienced ARDFers will be present to help you get started. There is no charge for participation in the hunts. If you have them, bring a handi-talkie, receiver, or scanner covering the two-meter band for each person who will be going ARDFing. If you have directional antennas, attenuators, or other on-foot RDF equipment, be sure to bring it too. Make sure all batteries are fresh. For those with no radio gear, few extra ARDF receiver/antenna sets will be available.
Tri-City Park entrance is at the corner of North Kraemer Boulevard and East Golden Avenue in Placentia. The park is just southeast of the Imperial Golf Course. A clickable map for navigation to the park is at www.homingin.com. The barbecue and hunt start will be in reserved picnic shelters at the south end of the lake. Look for the orange and white Orienteering flags and signs. Parking is free, but empty spaces near the picnic site may be difficult to find if the park is crowded, so consider carpooling.
Call K0OV on K6QEH/R, 146.97(-) PL 136.5 for talk-in.
Joe Moell K0OV