Old Timers' Night - May 18th - Location: Goleta Union Schools Board Room, 401 N Faiview
This is our annual salute to the old-timers night at SBARC. This year we are going to ask you old-timers to share a story with us during the meeting. A three to five minute short story (or tall tale) about your first contact, your first rig, an unusual contact (or mode) in the 'old days', a memorable QSO , whatever you think we'd enjoy hearing about to get the feel of what it was like when you were a fairly new ham. Plus, Carl Stengel, W6JEO, was some never-before-seen video of mid-1980s vintage Hamfests! See how many people you can recognize!
If you have an 'antique' rig, component, photo, etc., bring it along. I'll bet there'll be people at the meeting who have never seen the glow of a big fat old tube!
This is also the night we collect the Project Linus blankets, so bring your donations to the meeting to add to our display.
Of course, we'll always have good raffle prizes and our special ($1 per ticket) prize is a portable CD player/AM/FM/cassette player "boom box" which would make a perfect gift or fit right in your workshop!
Visit the SBARC Website for full Details: http://www.sbarc.org/monthly/meetings.html#general