Fellow SBARC members,
Recently, SBARC applied for grant funding from Amateur Radio Digital Communications for the new K6TZ Radio Station at the Chrisman California Islands Center in Carpenteria. ARDC approved our application in the amount of $35,550! This grant funding will cover all of the budgeted costs of the CCIC Station.
This project will expand SBARC’s footprint by offering an additional physical station location serving members in Carpinteria and Ventura County. The Club plans to host Club gatherings at the CCIC Station as well as offer regular open station hours and support radiosport contests from the site.
The Santa Cruz Island Foundation is providing the 12′ x 7′ gallery space dedicated exclusively to the radio station along with a 55″ TV monitor to display a demonstration of SBARC’s various systems, including the camera and vessel tracking systems on Diablo Peak, Santa Cruz Island.
More information on this project can be found on our website. https://www.sbarc.org/2021/04/15/k6tz-ccic/
Levi C. Maaia, K6LCM Director at Large | K6TZ Trustee
Santa Barbara Amateur Radio Club Santa Barbara Wireless Foundation a 501(c)(3) nonprofit public benefit corporation
www.levimaaia.com | www.k6lcm.com +1.805.604.5384