Dennis (WB6OBB) and I went to the SARC (Satellite Amateur Radio Club) yesterday to find out more about the Santa Maria Swapfest. The rumors were true ... the SwapFest is returning to the Newlove picnic grounds.
Some of you might remember when the attendance was upwards of 1000 people, and it was a highly anticipated event. A large group from the Santa Barbara/Ventura area would meet for breakfast at Ellen's in Buellton about 7AM before the swapfest and fill up the back room. And then spend the day checking out the "stuff" for sale before heading back home, sometimes with a full load.
An effort is being made to bring back those times, and I am excited to be a part of it. There will be a transmitter hunt, and preceeding I will be putting on an antenna clinic. The clinic will be an opportunity to build a t-hunting antenna and get some practice on transmitter hunting techniques.
At this point, the information on the SARC website is outdated, but the updated information is expected to be on the site in the next week or so.
There will be a way to pre-register and save some money on the selling spots and BBQ. But I don't know the details yet.
Marvin, KE6HTS
PS - Anyone going to the Yuma Hamfest on Feb 18/19? Joe Moell (K0OV) and I will be down there to sell some "junque". Joe is giving a talk on T-Hunting, and we will be putting on an antenna clinic along with a transmitter hunt on the grounds.