18 February 2010
To: All From: Bill Talanian Subject: Diablo Webcam
At first light the camera appears to be tracking OK so at this point we can say it is up and running. The original problem was a package of dessicant which strapped to the electronics fell in front of the camera and blocking movement. The camera was shut down until the pack could be removed.
The second problem was the wireless grid antenna. It was ripped off its mount and wrapped itself around the yardarm by the coax. It was restapped with hose clamps and appears to be working again.
All this happened in the past storms when we had 55 mph sustained and 74 mph peak winds.
The SBARC wind speed and wind direction also disintegrated at some point and will be replaced on the next trip.
As always, THANKS to Aspen Helicopters for their excellent support in getting me to the Peak.