To: SBARC ListServer From: Bill Talanian
One of our contacts out on the Island is Gary Andrew. Several of our members have worked with Gary who is now off to Palmyra. Gary is not a Ham, maybe we need to change that.
Hi Bill,
I'll be on Palmyra 15--18/June. There is no cellular service. We have a slow internet satellite connection; email & Skype work fine.
I'll have my base station antenna mounted on a cherry picker, about 55ft elevation (20ft above the tree tops).
I hope I won't need any help this time. I will take advantage of your offer is I do run into trouble. (Palmyra is in the same timezone as HI, GMT-11.)
I don't know if I ever shared any photos with you. Here are some of Palmyra Atoll from my trip Oct/2017.