Before our regularly scheduled SBARC program this evening, I am planning a demo of a radio controlled quadcopter/drone with a prototype 2m ham repeater. Bob Simmons, WB6EYV and I have been working together to develop a quickly deployable repeater design for emergencies and special events and there has been quite a buzz this week on the Tues and Thurs nets about it.
Although our meeting hall on North Fairview is in SBA controlled airspace, I was able to get special permission from the FAA tower to fly the craft *400 feet above the meeting!* In fact, they will be clearing the airspace above North Fairview just for us at *7:30pm tonight.*
Come see this exciting new technology in action and bring your HT to try it out. Tune to 146.940 MHz simplex, no PL. Please note that you may need to disable automatic repeater shift on your radio in order to transmit and receive on 146.940.
See you tonight, Friday, July 18, 2014, at 7:30 PM at the Goleta Union School District, 401 North Fairview Ave. in Goleta.
- Levi, K6LCM
More photos and video at:
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