The next southern California on-foot "foxhunt" of 2002 will be Saturday, April 6 at Mile Square Park in Fountain Valley. Practice transmitters will go on the air around 11:30 AM, and the main multiple-fox hunt will begin at 12:30 PM.
This two-meter direction-finding practice/demonstration is sponsored by the Fullerton Radio Club. All ages are welcome. There is no charge for participation. A ham radio license and/or knowledge of radio equipment is not required. Several models of domestic and imported hand-held RDF sets as well as commercial and home-built antennas will be available to view and try out. Basic equipment, such as hand-held receivers and "scanners," can also be successfully used.
If possible, bring a handi-talkie, receiver, or scanner covering the two-meter band for each person who will be going ARDFing. If you have directional antennas, attenuators, or other on-foot RDF equipment, be sure to bring it. Make sure all batteries are fresh.
Mile Square Park is bounded on the west by Brookhurst Street, on the north by Edinger Avenue, on the east by Euclid Street and on the south by Warner Avenue. The hunt area is approximately the eastern third of the total square mile area. Vehicular entrance and parking within Mile Square Park costs $4, but you can park just outside along the streets for free. The starting area will be near Euclid street, midway between Edinger and Warner Avenues. Look for signs at the entrances and an orange and white orienteering flag at the starting site. There are plenty of picnic tables, so you can bring your lunch. Talk-in will be on K6QEH/R 146.97(-) PL136.5
In addition to the two-meter band, international ARDF championships also include an 80-meter band event. At least one optional 80m transmitter (3565 KHz) will be on the air for you to try.
This will be the last southern California practice session before the USA ARDF Championships in Pine Mountain, Georgia, April 19-21.
For more information about ARDF, plus detailed directions to this event, go to
Joe Moell K0OV USA ARDF Coordinator