To: Distribution From: Bill Talanian Subject: Weather Station, Diablo Peak, Santa Cruz Island
On Thursday 15 January, the SBARC Weather Station at Diablo Peak was installed. The station reports the present weather conditions every 5 minutes and transmits on 144.39 MHz. The packet information is transmitted at 1200 baud and received by shore stations whereupon it is relayed to the Internet. Packet collision's and latency can be expected.
The following URL may be used for Internet access to the K6TZ Weather Station at Diablo Peak. Place this URL into your browser. Once you acquire the K6TZ Weather Station you may customize it anyway you wish. Your screen display will automatically update every 3 minutes, however, you may manually refresh the entry as necessary.
Enclosed is a jpeg picture of the K6TZ system at Diablo. The weather instrumentation is 2nd from the right. The system reports Wind Speed, Wind Direction, Humidity, Barometric Pressure, dew point, and rainfall rate.
For more fundamental weather information a wind sock was erected. Those that have slo-scan TV can view the wind speed and direction. Note the TV camera on the main tower just behind the wind sock.
Our thanks to Aspen Helicopters and Alltech Services for their assistance and support to and from Diablo Peak.