As I write this, it's 4 AM Sunday morning in Nanjing, China. I'm not there, but ARDF Team USA is. I hope the team is sleeping well, because Sunday is the day of the two-meter competition in the ARDF World Championships.
Not much in the way of reports from the team so far, but the first team photo from Nanjing has arrived. It's posted on my Web site, URL below.
There are over 350 competitors from 26 countries, plus team leaders, trainers, referees and organisers. On Saturday, our team participated in the opening Ceremony which was on an island in the middle of the lake outside the host hotel.
Will also post any other Team USA reports and photos as received, so keep checking the site.
73, Joe Moell K0OV USA ARDF Coordinator
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*** Bye from the Paradise Playground of the Pacific Beaches.
*** Dennis Schwendtner *** WB6OBB ***
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