Great weather is expected for the first southern California on-foot radio direction finding event of 2012 on Saturday, February 25. It will be on the beautiful campus of California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo, California.
Beginning about 9 AM, Marvin Johnston KE6HTS will conduct a clinic for building his kits for measuring-tape yagis and for 90 dB offset-type attenuators in room 116 of Building 20. If you're not an electronic technician, don't worry because there will be plenty of experts to help you.
The transmitter hunt will start about 11 AM. Hunters may start the course at any time until 1 PM. Course closes at 3 PM. A $5 donation to the club is requested for participation in the hunt. The course will include the main campus and Poly Canyon, so be sure to bring some water and wear suitable shoes.
San Luis Obispo is on the central coast of California. From northbound Highway 101 downtown, take the Grand Avenue exit, turn left and go north uphill to the campus. From southbound Highway 101, take the Monterey Street exit, continue on the frontage road three blocks to Grand Avenue, then go right and uphill on Grand to the campus. A map to help you get there is at along with links to parking information.
Park as close as you can to Engineering East Building 20 (the one under the ham radio tower). Parking permits are not required on Saturday but parking meters may be enforced, so be sure to check.
Talk-in is on the CPARC linked repeaters: 146.76(-) PL127.3 and 442.3(+) PL127.3. Both repeaters are located on the campus.
73, Joe Moell K0OV