Date: Saturday, April 22 Time: 12 to 3 PM Place: Caltech campus in Pasadena Talk-in (optional): 145.18(-) PL156.7 Call K0OV
This on-foot direction finding (foxhunting, radio-orienteering, ARDF) practice/demonstration session is sponsored by the Caltech Orienteering Club. All ages are welcome. A ham radio license and/or knowledge of radio equipment is not required. There is no charge for participation.
Practice 2-meter transmitters will go on the air around 11 AM, and the main hunt will begin at 12:30 PM. For the main hunt, plan to arrive at noon.
As usual, the main hunt will have six cycling 2-meter FM hidden transmitters on 146.565 MHz. There may be a bonus transmitter on 80 meters (3580 KHz). If you have RDF equipment for 80m, be sure to bring it, too. The 80m fox will be optional; it does not count for the final standings.
If possible, bring a handi-talkie, receiver, or scanner covering the two-meter band for each person who will be going ARDFing. If you have directional antennas, attenuators, or other on-foot 2m RDF equipment, be sure to bring it. Make sure all batteries are fresh. For those with no radio gear, a few ARDF receiver/antenna sets will be available for rental from Caltech at a small fee.
California Institute of Technology (Caltech) is south of the 210 Freeway between the Hill Avenue and Lake Avenue exits. The hunt starts from Avery Center, an undergraduate residence near the northeast corner of the campus. Turn into the parking lot from Del Mar Boulevard or Chester Avenue. Look for the orange and white Orienteering flags and signs. Hunt area is the Caltech campus, in accordance with a paper map to be provided to participants.
For more information about radio-orienteering, plus detailed directions and maps, go to
Joe Moell K0OV USA ARDF Coordinator