This Saturday morning, May 8th, we will conduct our annual weed abatement at the WB9KMO Amateur TV Repeater site (KTYD Transmitter site) at 3130 Gibraltar Road. The repeater is owned and operated by the Amateur Television Network (ATN).
SBARC members are welcome and have been very helpful in the past, even though this is not an SBARC activity. It's a great way to show your support for SBARC's ATV Special Inerest Group. Please tell your friends who may not receive this message.
The more help we get, the quicker we finish. If you're available and would like to help out, please contact me for details.
We start early to keep cool. Typically, we work from about 8am to noon, but you are welcome any time that works for you. We can provide tools for you if you can't bring your own. Cold drinks are provided.
Thank you, Rod Fritz, WB9KMO 637-0985 (day) 964-8074 (night)