Hello SBARC,
I updated my spreadsheets with local repeater, simples, PD/FI/Sherrif, transport, walkie-talkie, etc. frequencies.
There's a zip file at,
Most of these are in the right format to be loaded into the chirp software, some are for CPS software.
It has a README file that describes the contents.
I can also send you the Ventura County ACS – EOC Frequency Lists, but it's marked "not for public distribution" so I'm not including it here.
Stephen (W6STP)
Stephen Travis Pope Santa Barbara, California, USA http://HeavenEverywhere.com http://heaveneverywhere.com/ http://FASTLabInc.com http://fastlabinc.com/ https://vimeo.com/user19434036/videos https://vimeo.com/user19434036/videos http://heaveneverywhere.com/Reflections
Hello SBARC,
I've spent the past couple of weeks learning how to build codeplugs for the Anytone AT-878 DMR radio, and have made a resource to share with several sets of data tables (csv files) for the channel lists, zones, scan lists, etc. You can import these into the Anytone programming software and save them to your radio.
Included are my current lists, plus those from Brian's codeplug on the SBARC web site and those from the PAPA (SoCal) site. Additions and corrections are solicited. The zip file is at,
Stephen (W6STP)
Stephen Travis Pope Santa Barbara, California, USA http://HeavenEverywhere.com http://heaveneverywhere.com/ http://FASTLabInc.com http://fastlabinc.com/ https://vimeo.com/user19434036/videos https://vimeo.com/user19434036/videos http://heaveneverywhere.com/Reflections