This information along with directions can be found on the HomingIn Web Site at:
This will be a really fun event as it has been in the past. Maybe we can get a group of people to car pool down. I will be going down early to help with the event put on by the Los Angeles Orienteering Club for National Orienteering Day at Schabarum Park, but plan on being at Tri-City Park about noon.
-------------------------- Tri-City Radio-Orienteering May 6, 2000
This two-meter direction-finding practice/demonstration is sponsored by the Fullerton Radio Club as part of its annual Antennas In The Park picnic. All ages are welcome. A ham radio license and/or knowledge of radio equipment is not required. There is no charge for participation.
If possible, bring a handi-talkie, receiver, or scanner covering the two-meter band for each person who will be going ARDFing. If you have directional antennas, attenuators, or other on-foot RDF equipment, be sure to bring it. Make sure all batteries are fresh. For those with no radio gear, few extra ARDF receiver/antenna sets may be available.
As usual, there will be six cycling 2-meter FM hidden transmitters on 146.565 MHz. There may be a bonus transmitter on 80 meters (3580 KHz). If you have RDF equipment for that band, be sure to bring it, too. The 80m fox will be optional, and not counting for the final standings.
Practice 2-meter transmitters will go on the air around noon, and the main 6-fox hunt will begin at 1:30 PM. (Note the later-than-usual time.)