Part of the process at Gordon's will be to perform any alignments during the transition. He has antennas up so not an issue. Your only a block away from Bruce and also in a good location. But we sure appreciate the offer of SB Electronics and keep that in mind for any future build-outs.
The Chatsworth racks are what I'm looking for. I'm partial to a 7 footer with 12-24 mounting holes if you have one.
Thanks for the offers.
Bill Talanian
On 5/4/2016 6:50 AM, Ken Alker wrote:
- You are welcome to locate the receiver at Santa Barbara Electronics
Supply (roof) in the Magnolia Shopping Center as well. Bruce may already have a better solution, but I figured I'd throw that out there.
- I will donate a 19" open-frame rack if you need one (I am pretty
sure I have a few Chatsworth racks I'm not using).
--On Tuesday, May 03, 2016 10:19 PM -0700 Bill Talanian wrote:
For over 20 years SBARC has operated a linked remote 146.190 MHz receiver at UCSB. The coverage enables low level signals from Goleta to be voted along with the main input at the Mesa site. Recently UC rebuilt the electric power transformer and switch room where our equipment enclosure bay is located. The expansion in this utility room now leaves no space for the enclosure which requires us to completely remove the enclosure. In its place I am proposing an open bay 19 inch rack pending approval by UC facilities. During the process of performing all this mechanical work the remote receiver will be removed and temporarily located at the QTH of Bruce Gordon, N6OLT. Gordon's location is near the Magnolia shopping center. Since this is to the west of Campinal Hill it should cover many parts of Goleta. However, this location may be less than what we have seen from UC. The system should be down not longer than two days during the relocation process.