Hi folks,
On Sunday, 16 January at 2 p.m. we're going to do a Human Flag at La Playa Stadium at Santa Barbara City College. Bring a White and a Red shirt, jacket, or sweatshirt. We'll be doing a Red Cross on a White background and a Red Heart on a White background. This is part of a fundraiser for the International Response Fund for Tsunami relief and for the Disaster Response Fund for the victims of flooding and landslides in California, Colorado, Ohio River etc.
We need about 5000 people to pull this off, so please forward to as many folks as you can.
If you would like to help volunteer to setup, you can get there at Noon.
Thank you! (This is going to be Outstanding!)
:-) Roy
Roy Dugger Emergency Services Specialist American Red Cross of Santa Barbara County 2707 State Street Santa Barbara, CA 93105-3567 V: (805) 687-1331 ext: 24 F: 805.682.4655 Email: rdugger@sbaco-redcross.org Web: www.sbaco-redcross.org