I received this a week or so ago, reread it, and thought others might also enjoy what it has to say.
Save Our Scouts-Newsletter
Around the Campfire-October 11, 2000
I am often asked the question: "Why is it important to uphold old fashion values? We are in the 21st century! Get with it! We have progressed past those old fashion values." This is what I hear from those who don't understand why I support the Boy Scouts of America's stand on these old fashion values. Well, these values may be old but they are far from being out of date. I was reading a study about young teenagers who are sexually active. The study shows that these youth are more likely to engage in other self-destructive behavior. I quote from a World Congress of Family Update-
" A little-discussed study by a professor at Indiana University reveals the hard lives of sexually active youth.
Gary M. Ingersoll is a professor of counseling and educational psychology and director of the Center for Adolescent Studies at Indiana University Bloomington.
At a Kinsey Institute Interdisciplinary Seminar held January 21, 1998, Professor Ingersoll discussed his study of 240 pre- and early adolescents, ages 11 to 13, wherein he found that eight percent (8%) of the children have had sexual relations.
His study revealed that, among these sexually active youths, they were:
* 7.5 times more likely to smoke cigarettes,
· 10 times more likely to use alcohol,
· 46 times more likely to use marijuana,
· 34.5 times more likely to use other drugs,
· 6 times more likely to have planned to drop out of school,
· 54 times more likely to have been suspended from school,
· 12 times more likely to have attempted suicide,
· 3 times more likely to report a history of physical abuse, and
· 19 times more likely to report a history of sexual abuse.
When asked, "What conclusions do you draw from this data?" Professor Ingersoll responded, "While this study does not demonstrate a causal relationship, the data offer a compelling picture that precocious initiation of sexual intercourse is part of a pattern of increased risky behaviors."
Why is it important? The evidence is overwhelming. But people on the other side of the issue can't see the whole picture or won't. Under the guise of tolerance these people want to put at risk the one thing we hold most dear, our children. If we are forced to accept the sexually active behavior of others and call it normal, what are we teaching the children? And based on this study, do we want them taking on these self-destructive behaviors? No we don't! Old fashion they may be, but life saving they are.
I am very pleased to include an article of one of our Generals in this Cultural war, Congressman Chris Cannon, who has been there for us many times in our efforts to save our scouts. He is a member of the Advisory board and truly understands what is at stake in this war. Thank you for your continued support and for all of those who have e-mailed me offering help. We will need you to fight this most of important battle, the battle for our children.
Gavin Grooms
National Director