Here's an update on major events taking place in the ARRL Southwestern Division...
Right Now: The 2003 ARRL Southwestern Division Convention website is "on the air". Check it out and download a registration form at: See you in Long Beach in September 2003!
Right Now: The long-awaited Amateur Radio Public Information Handbook is available on-line. Get your copy at:
Right Now: The Desert Waves ARC, Blythe, CA, just affiliated with the ARRL - welcome aboard!
Dec 7: The Superstition ARC Hamfest will be held at Mesa Community College, Dobson Road, Mesa, AZ. For more info, visit or call 480-218-9109.
Dec 7: The next ARDF meet will be held at Wildwood Park in Thousand Oaks, CA. The hunt begins at 1 PM, with a practice session at Noon. For more info, e-mail KD6I at Remember, you don't have to be licensed to hunt for the hidden transmitters.
Dec 14: TASMA Annual Meeting will be held at AT&T Digital Media Center, 12312 W. Olymic Blvd, Los Angeles, CA. TASMA is your 2-Meter frequency coordinator for Southern California - please take interest and show support for this organization! Sign-in begins at 9:30AM, meeting at 10:30AM. More info at:
Jan 11, 2003: The Thunderbird ARC Westfest will be held at the Glendale Community College in Phoenix, AZ. Points of contact are Steve, W1ADW, 623-521-1036 or Bruce, WB7SRC,623-486-8735. These folks run a clean show, no firearms, alcohol or drugs permitted.
Jan 12, 2003: The Los Angeles Orinteering Club (LAOC) is sponsoring an ARDF meet at Vermont Canyon (Griffith Park area). Besides the ARDF meet, several beginners courses are planned. Contact Marvin Johnston, KE6HTS, for more info: Check out the LAOC website at:
Feb 3, 2003: Registration opens for the first running of ARRL's latest On-Line Course: RFI Get more info at:
Thanks to those who responded to the ARRL web poll on future on-line course offerings. The courses of most interest include: Antennas 101; Radio Propagation; VHF/UHF Beyond the Repeater; and Troubleshooting.
Thanks also to those who perticipated in ARRL's VHF/UHF Contesting and Awards Survey. About 200 surveys were received by US Mail, FAX and e-mail. Now comes the easy part: reading, understanding, digesting, and creating changes to these ARRL activities that will please everyone!
That's it for this edition folks. Here's wishing you all a Happy Thanksgiving and a fine holiday season. 73,
Art, W6XD Tuck, NZ6T Director Vice Director
-------------------------------------------------------------------- ARRL Southwestern Division Director: Arthur Goddard, W6XD --------------------------------------------------------------------