The Santa Barbara Amateur Radio Club (SBARC) will be featuring Jim Knight and Jim Woolaway as our speakers for the October 15th meeting. As two of the founders of Indigo Systems, they are both very familiar with infrared technology and will be sharing some of that knowledge at our meeting to be followed by a Q&A session. The meetings are open to the public.
Our meeting will be held on Friday, October 15th at the Goleta Union Schools Admin. Board Room, 401 N. Fairview Ave., Goleta, CA starting at 7:30 PM. More information about SBARC can be found on our web site at:
Imaging in the 1 to 10 Micrometer Band
By Jim Knight WA6RNV and Jim Woolaway AE6AC
We are all pretty familiar with radiation at wavelengths of 160 meters to 70centimeters. Some of us have worked shorter wavelengths but how many of us have an understanding of what radiated signals are like at the 1 to 10 micrometers wavelengths? Jim Knight and Jim Woolaway, both SBARC members and HAMs since 1970, have spent the majority of their professional careers working in the field of Infrared technology. They have seen the state-of-the-art in infrared cameras move from what once was the size of a VW bus to the size of a small saltshaker today. Knight and Woolaway will talk about radiation in the 1 to 10um band, how infrared technology works, and demonstrate the imaging of this radiation. Did you know you are already radiating in this band? Come see what your signal looks like at 5um.