Hi Bruce,
Great point about electing officers if the proposed bylaws unfortunately pass.
The current and new bylaws changes both imply the soonest an election could be held will be the next club meeting after the candidates are announced. And since the board gets involved in submitting a list of candidates, the soonest another election would probably be held is in February, and possibly in March.
And unless i missed something, there is no date for the changes to take place even if approved. Hard to check as so far, I haven't seen a copy of the revised bylaws put on the website.
Marvin, kE6HTS
On 11/11/2013 11:02 AM, bgordon@rain.org wrote:
Hi all,
There has certainly been a lot of of opinion and arguement on this list recently about club organization and leadership. Daryl has provided a set of candidates for the existing club offices. We have no information on who would stand for election for the positions under the proposed new bylaws. Because of the increased responsibilities for each member of a smaller board, it would be important to know who would be willing to serve on it. Just like in the "real world", the quality of the result usually depends more on the character of the person than the job description.
Bruce N6OLT