Hello SBARC Members and Friends,
Two major events are coming up and we would like you to help MAKE THEM
HAPPEN! These are great opportunities to support the club, participate with
friends, have fun and learn something new.
FIELD DAY will be at Camino Real Marketplace on June 24, 25 and 26.
BALLOON LAUNCH is planned for July 2, probably from the beach near Stearns
Wharf in Santa Barbara.
FIELD DAY OPERATORS - Field Day operators should contact Tom Saunders as
tsaund(a)cox.net. Early birds will get the best operating times. If you're
new, jump in anyway because this is a great opportunity and you can learn
from the veterans. Even if you only operate a short time, this will be a
memorable experience.
FIELD DAY PUBLIC AWARENESS - Field Day offers a chance for us to make a big
public splash for amateur radio. We need you to come and talk to the public
about, and maybe demonstrate, what you enjoy about amateur radio. Bring a
friend. I would hope that all of us would spend at least some time at the
booth promoting SBARC and amateur radio. We need to secure people for
specific times, so please contact me, Rod Fritz at wb9kmo(a)sbarc.org .
BALLOON PROJECT - A balloon launch is being sponsored by the Santa Barbara
Natural History Museum with lots of support from SBARC. This is a rare
opportunity to participate in a world class event to touch the edge of space
with amateur radio and other science experiments. We need task leaders and
helpers in lots of areas, some very technical and some, not so much. All
are important. We are already working on this and need help from now until
we recover the payload after the launch. I'll send out a task list and
other project documentation to you if you contact me, Rod Fritz at
wb9kmo(a)sbarc.org .
"SBARC, where there's always something exciting going on!"
Rod Fritz, WB9KMO