Hi everyone,
Just a reminder that our 2009 Hamfest meeting will be tomorrow (Monday) evening
at 6:30PM at Rusty's Pizza on upper State St.
We have Rob Griffin's support (the SB Section Manager) and it is now a matter of
contacting the section clubs. A couple of new ideas came up last week that I
think are excellent. One of them is to have a blog describing the status of
Hamfest as we start to build. Another one that I haven't heard of anyone doing
is to have a Forum where registered sellers can post "ads" of what they will be
bringing. Along that line, we could have an area where people who will be
attending can post their wants.
A suggestion that came from Harold Scot, WA6EAT, at the SARC meeting was to see
if we can set a record with the most people taking a VE session, the Guiness
Book of Records type of thing.
We are still coming up with ideas, but it is close to the time where the leaders
need to step up to the plate to make it happen. We want this to be an event that
people WANT to attend, and it will take quite a bit of work and dedication to
make that happen. We will have a lot of public exposure by being at the Earl
Warren Fairgrounds, and if we all work together, I can see every club in the
section participating being a part of a hugh membership expansion!
Thanks, and see you tomorrow evening!
Marvin, KE6HTS