Friday November 21 is an especially important meeting that I would urge all
SBARC members to attend
First it is our annual SIG Night where each Special Interest Group will have
a representative present to answer questions
and whet your appetite for this and that form of activity, from ARES to DX to
ARDF and even ATV and satellites something for every interest in Ham radio!
Second it's election night for the SBARC Officers and Directors for 2009
You may vote for the proposed slate below, or put forth your own candidates or
run yourself!
But definitely be there for a lot of fun and our own small slice of
participatory democracy
SBARC 2009 Nomination List
Michael Ditmore, W7HUT
Executive Vice President
Harry Rouse, K6PDQ
Vice President Education & Training
Robert Pizzi, AC6PZ
Vice President Emergency Service
Will Tefft, KG6DHK
Vice President External Affairs
Al Soenke, WA6VNN
Vice President Operations
Rick Whitaker, KG6VLB
Bruce Tousel, KG6SZT
Cindy Engel, KA7UIA
Director at Large, Repeater Trustee
Bill Talanian, W1UUQ
Director at Large, Nominations Committee Chair
Darryl Widman, KF6DI
Director at Large, Assets Committee Chair
Bruce Gordon, N6OLT
Director at Large, Hamfest Committee Chair
Marvin Johnston, KE6HTS
Director at Large, Rover Committee Chair
Tom Saunders, N6YX