Greetings all,
We'd like your help with these upcoming public service events:
SANTA BARBARA TRIATHLON ---- Saturday, August 23rd (usually) Last Saturday in August; East Beach in Santa Barbara to Carpinteria, to the Mesa area of Santa Barbara)
BARBARA IRELAND WALK FOR THE CURE ----Saturday, September 20th
CARPINTERIA TRIATHLON ---- Sunday, September 28th (Last Sunday in September; originating at Carpinteria State Beach)
MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS BIKE TOUR & FEST ---- Saturday, October 18th (usually) 2nd Saturday in October; Leadbetter Beach to the Bird Refuge area, Santa Barbara, to Ventura)
SANTA BARBARA NEWS-PRESS HALF-MARATHON ---- Saturday, November 1st (1st Saturday in November; Leadbetter Beach to the Biltmore area.)
For insurance purposes, all event operators must be current SBARC members. If you're available for any or all of the above events and if you have a preferred assignment, please contact me as soon as possible.
Hubert Stamps, SBARC VP of Operations
p.s. An event usually occurs on the day of the month given above but may vary if the month has five Saturdays or has five Sundays.
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