Here is the response from the Arizona ARES SEC:
On 3/13/15 12:05, Dennis - KE7EJF wrote:
Your e-mail has been sent to me as I am the ARES Section Emergency Coordinator for the Arizona Section.
There was no ARES or ham radio activation as this was not a "telecommunications emergency". The outage affected a portion of Northern Arizona and not the Phoenix Metro Area. It did not effect local phone service only long distance, most internet and cell phone services. Verizon cellular voice service were unaffected though data was disrupted in some areas. I'm sure the media made it much worse that it actually was.
I was in touch with my ARES Field Staff in the affected areas and they were ready to provide support had they been requested.
If you need any other information please don't hesitate to ask.
Dennis Bietry - KE7EJF ARES Section Emergency Coordinator / Arizona
-- Jay Hennigan - CCIE #7880 - Network Engineering - Impulse Internet Service - Your local telephone and internet company - 805 884-6323 - WB6RDV