Sorry to learn about Reg's death.
I received my HAM radio before I got my license. I would listen to the QSOs on the radio to gain a feel for this new hobby.
Reg was one of the regulars who had lots to say about a lot of things, and he did it in a unique way that I came to love. I loved listening to his QSOs (especially with his friend Lloyd) and the way he signed off with his call sign.
After I got my license, one of my first contacts was Reg. Little did I know that he lived on a road that I used every weekday to drive to work... the corner house with the antenna farm. I remember on one afternoon as I drove by, I finally I got to make an eyeball to eyeball QSO with Reg (and Marvin). I had come full circle in learning one major benefit of HAM radio... making friends.
At a later date, I was able to take possession of some camping equipment from Reg. This equipment has already proven to be invaluable on some of our family car camping trips.
As I send this email into cyberspace, I would like to say thanks to Reg for helping me become involved with HAM radio and for letting me become part of his HAM community.
I miss him on the air....
Paul Cronshaw DC KF6TRT
Just a quick note to let everyone know that Reg, KE6ZQY, passed away early this morning sometime around or before 6am.
If you would like to send a special remembrance about Reg that I could include in a card to his wife, please do so ASAP. She would probably appreciate your stories and tributes. -- Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.
Diane Sova home: (805) 685-0851 ladydi@rain.org POB 6722 work: (805) 681-8600 x635 Santa Barbara, CA 93160
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