I just received this from Joe.
Huntington Central Park in Huntington Beach will be the site of southern California's next international-style on-foot foxhunt on Sunday, October 1. This is an official training session for ARDF Team USA 2000, but it is free and open to everyone who wants to see and try the sport. A ham radio license and knowledge of radio equipment is not required.
At least four of the twelve team members are scheduled to attend. Come out and meet some of the radio-athletes who will represent us at the World Championships in China during October.
The park is 350 acres, although some of it is unavailable for ARDF. It is relatively flat, but there is lots of vegetation and plenty of trails. The two-meter course will be suitable for both beginners and advanced radio-orienteers. Hunters may go out as individuals or pairs. All ages are welcome, but young children should be accompanied by an adult.
Practice 2-meter transmitters will go on the air around 11:30 AM, and the main 5-fox hunt will begin at 12:30 PM. There are picnic tables nearby, so you can bring your lunch. An optional 80-meter transmitter will be included in the course, so bring gear for that band if you have it.
Bring any 2-meter RDF "sniffing" gear you have. If you don't have any, just bring your HT or scanner. A limited number of RDF sets will be available for loan. Course maps will be provided, so bring your own compass, protractor and pencil. Make sure all batteries are fresh.
Directions: We will start from the parking lot at the north end of the park. The entrance is on the south side of Slater Avenue, east of Golden West Street intersection. There are no entry or parking fees, but parking may be limited depending on other activities in the park that day. Look for the orange and white Orienteering flag and signs. Call on 146.970 simplex if you have trouble finding the site.
More information and a map are at the Web site listed below
73, Joe Moell K0OV USA ARDF Coordinator www.homingin.com