HI All,
If I am reading the forward email newsletter text correctly, there is about to come on the scene a better method of forwarding APRS packets thru a network that will be something like what netrom and BPQ did for regular packet operations several years ago. It is about time that something like this is happening !!!
73 de "Jug" -- ---
73 de 'Jug' - - - WA6MBZ Tels: 805-966-4808 voice 805-966-1598 fax, E--Voicemail at 1-888-392-4832 Extn: 291-296-8684. Email: mike_j@ix.netcom.com, wa6mbz@ix.netcom.com, wa6mbz@sbarc.org, wa6mbz@arrl.net, wa6mbz@qsl.net, wa6mbz@hfradio.com, mike.j@worldnet.att.net, wa6mbz@worldnet.att.net, and m.jogoleff@worldnet.att.net, wa6mbz@compuserve.com, 103225.3614@compuserve.com, wa6mbz@netzero.net, wa6mbz@juno.com, mike_j@juno.com, wa6mbz@yahoo.com, wa6mbz@excite.com, wa6mbz@angelfire.com, wa6mbz@hotmail.com.