Bill / Darryl (et all) -
It is copies of things like these proclamations issued to Amateur Radio groups in the Section that I would like to obtain and permanently display on the (a) Section Website. If you can get me copies or readable pictures I would like to have them. Please supply any background information you may have.
Others with similar items are requested to send them to .
We need to let other Amateurs and the World know more about what we do.
- JimF K6IYK
At 9/25/2015 06:02 AM, Bill Talanian wrote:
On 9/24/2015 11:20 PM, Darryl Widman wrote:
All of a sudden they were not on the wall. Who took them down? There is but one certificate signed by the city Council or the County on the outside of the entrance door. Where are they now?
I discovered the signed Proclamations by City and County in a storage box without packing material to protect them at the cargo container. Figuring no one wanted these two anymore I retrieved them. They are now mounted at the Repeater equipment shelter in a conspicuous position. The Proclamations look very presentable at the shelter for visitors to see. Dave is aware they are posted at the repeater shelter.
Recently a nearby neighbor came on site. He and his wife were concerned about RadHaz since they have several children. Gave them a short tour. I noticed their eyes looked at the Proclamations and got their attention who we were and what we do. It made the conversation much easier after an explanation about RadHaz and willing to disclose RF levels and testing responsibility. They departed and satisfied with our explanations. Received a nice email with thanks.
Bill Talanian