Remember, as you all go on the QRP Weekend, think about what you can win at the SBARC Ham-Fest. Yep, A yaesu FT. 817 . It is the altimate or one of the best new QRP radios in the market.
We will also have (MANY) more great prizes. GRIN!!!
Keep Aug. 12, 2001 open for Ham-fest 2001 at the Elks Lodge, 150 North Kellogg, in Goleta.
Have fun on qrp weekend.
***** Remember, an out of tune piano makes noise, not music! ***** call, (805) 966-7060 . E-MAIL: .
*** Bye from the Paradise Playground of the Pacific Beaches.
*** Dennis Schwendtner *** WB6OBB ***
*** ***
*** Schwendtner Piano and Service ***
WB6OBB repeater web-site ***