Hello SBARC,
I updated my spreadsheets with local repeater, simples, PD/FI/Sherrif, transport, walkie-talkie, etc. frequencies.
There's a zip file at,
Most of these are in the right format to be loaded into the chirp software, some are for CPS software.
It has a README file that describes the contents.
I can also send you the Ventura County ACS – EOC Frequency Lists, but it's marked "not for public distribution" so I'm not including it here.
Stephen (W6STP)
Stephen Travis Pope Santa Barbara, California, USA http://HeavenEverywhere.com http://heaveneverywhere.com/ http://FASTLabInc.com http://fastlabinc.com/ https://vimeo.com/user19434036/videos https://vimeo.com/user19434036/videos http://heaveneverywhere.com/Reflections