Hello All,
Hi All,
The email below comes from the SCCC reflector. Please take a moment to reflect on the issue and, should you find it has merit, please print, sign and mail or FAX to John Chwat at the Alexandria, Virginia address at the bottom.
Thank you for helping save the 440 MHz amateur radio spectrum.
The telecomms are trying to steal the 440 MHz ham band under the ruse of "public safety." Below is an excellent form letter on-line to protest to any ham's congressman. Everyone should print, sign and mail or email the signed letter to his/her Congressman (determined for you by the website).
73, Larry N6NC
----- Original Message ----- From: "ARRL Members Only Web site" memberlist@www.arrl.org To: mj451@bellsouth.net Sent: Monday, March 07, 2011 10:02 AM Subject: News From Your Section Manager
Finally, you should have all received an email from Greg Sarratt,
W4OZK, our Southeastern Division Director about the threat to our 440 MHz band by HR 607 in the US House of Representatives. If you have not already done so, please let your US Representative know you oppose it.
The easiest way to create the letter is to go to www.kd4pyr.net/hamletter.htm You just put in your call and it does the rest (fills in your address, looks up your Representative, etc.)
Signed letters can be sent by fax or postal mail. They can also be scanned into PDF format and e-mailed as a file attachment. Postal mail: John Chwat, Chwat & Co., Suite 103, 625 Slaters Lane, Alexandria, VA 22314. E-mail: john.chwat@chwatco.com. Fax number: (703) 684-7594.
When you send your signed letter to Mr. Chwat, he will hand deliver it to your representative for even grater impact!
Thanks for your help and support in this important effort.
ARRL Southern Florida Section Section Manager: David L Fowler, K4DLF k4dlf@arrl.org