Taken from the "Washington Readout" column, page # 49, 2nd paragraph down in the
column. I'll provide just a snip here:
"The most pressing spectrum problem nowadays is the explosive growth of the
mobile broadband. The FCC needs another 500MHz to support it; the only way to
get it is through reallocation...
The article continues, "The ham bands from 222 MHz to 2.45 GHz are at the
greatest risk of being reassigned."
This means that we, as ham radio operators, could loose the use of a part or a
good part of the "VHF/UHF" bands, save 6 and 2 meters...for the time being.
This type of news should send shock waves through the amateur radio community!
Think of your equipment and all you've invested.
Contingent upon how much of the band[s] are utilized by the FCC, to that degree
your radios may become non-op.
Something to think about...